Terms and Conditon

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before accessing and using this website, you must carefully read and accept the terms and conditions listed below. THESE CONDITIONS, WHICH GO IN FORWARD IMMEDIATELY FROM THE MOMENT YOU FIRST USE THIS WEBSITE, AGREE TO BIND YOU LEGALLY BY USING THIS WEBSITE. You must not access or use this website, and you should refrain from doing so in the future if you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions.

A. Detailed descriptions

“Conditions” refers to these guidelines for using our website;

“We,” “us,” or “our” refers to Futbolgazette Ltd It a private limited company with company number 52803293 that was incorporated in US 4988 Hill Street
Toledo, OH 43626, as well as any of its occasionally operating subsidiary enterprises (collectively, the “Group”);

The terms “you” and “your” refer to the website user, and “Website” refers to this particular website.

B. Overview

1 You do not need to register your information with us in order to view the majority of this website. It’s possible that some parts of this website are exclusive to registered users.

2 Your use of this Website in any way will be considered your acceptance of these Terms in their entirety. You must exit this website right away if you do not agree to these terms in its entirety.

3 By updating this posting, we reserve the right to change these terms at any moment. This website’s legal notice is binding on you, so you should periodically check it to see what’s new. Specific legal notifications or terms found on specific pages of our website may take precedence over some of the sections of these conditions.

C. The information we provide

The intellectual property rights linked to our content, trademarks, copyright, patents, logos, domain names, and other aspects of our brand are owned by us or our licensees. You do not acquire any rights to our and/or our licensors’ intellectual property by your use of our services, whether for personal or business purposes.

Subject to your ability to access our services as previously mentioned and the following usage limits, we provide our users a limited license to access and use our services and intellectual property rights.

a) You may only use our services for non-commercial, personal, and private use;

b) It is prohibited to register more than one email address;

c) Unless otherwise specifically allowed by these terms, you may not use, share, or exploit the services or any content they contain for any commercial, business, or monetized purpose (this excludes user content you post and for which you retain ownership rights; see the paragraph on user-generated content below);

d) You are obliged to follow any exclusionary protocols (like Robots.txt) that might be used in relation to the services. You are not permitted to use any portion of the services outside your authorization or try to get around any limitations placed on your access to or usage of the services; and

e) You are not allowed to:

  • use the services in any way that promotes prejudice, hatred, or discrimination; that is illegal, inappropriate, or fraudulent; that is libelous, threatening, abusive, pornographic, or objectionable;
  • copy, share, publish, reproduce, duplicate, or resell any portion of the services;
    collect any information or metadata from the services, as well as any content that is accessible through them (including through the use of “scraping”);
  • utilize any content, data, or information (including related metadata) from the services for any machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) purposes, such as creating, constructing, training, refining, grounding, or utilizing in any way any large language models (LLMs), machine learning tools, or generative AI systems;
  • any copyright, trademark, service mark, or other notices included in our services or content should be altered, removed, or hidden;
  • use the services in a way that could disrupt other users’ use or harm, disable, overload, impair, or breach our security;
  • Get around any geo-blocking or DRM software (you can do this by using a VPN or other comparable technology to hide your location);


  • integrate the services with a different website or service;


  • send, upload, or transmit any information that includes any malicious software, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware, or other computer code that could negatively impact the services’ ability to function; or


  • access without authorization, tamper with, destroy, or interfere with any portion of the services; (b) any hardware or software used to store the services; (c) any hardware or software on which the services are stored; or (d) any hardware, software, or network that is owned or utilized by a third party.


  • You understand that when you use our services, you may receive advertising and other information from us and our third-party affiliates.

D. Access to Services

8 Although we make every effort to keep this website up and running around the clock, we will not be held responsible if it is inaccessible at any time or for any length of time for any reason.

9 In the event of a system breakdown, maintenance or repair, or for reasons outside of our control, access to this website may be temporarily and without warning suspended.

10 We make no guarantees regarding the availability or error-free operation of the functions contained in this website, the correction of defects, or the absence of viruses or other harmful components from the server or the website

E. Visitor Items and Behavior

11 Anything you send or upload to this website will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary, with the exception of personally identifiable information, which is protected by the Privacy Policy on this website. Regarding such material, we will be under no duty at all. For any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes, we shall be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate, and use such material and all data, images, sounds, text, and other objects incorporated therein in any way.

12 It is forbidden for you to upload or send any content to or from this website.

12.1.1 that may promote racial hatred, be intimidating, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in violation of privacy, or that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive; or

12.1.2 for which you do not now possess the required authorizations and/or licenses;

12.1.3 that involves or encourages behavior that, in the UK or any other nation in the world, would be deemed illegal, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate the law or the rights of any third party; or

12.1.4 that poses a technical risk (such as, but not limited to, malware, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, computer viruses, corrupted data, or other malicious software or harmful data).

13 You are not permitted to abuse the website, including but not limited to hacking.

14 If any law enforcement agency or court order asks or directs us to identify or track down the person submitting any content that violates paragraphs 10 or 11, we will comply wholeheartedly.

F. Limitations and Exclusions

15 Although we make every effort to assure the accuracy of the information on this website, we cannot guarantee its completeness or correctness. We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify the content on this website as well as the goods and costs mentioned therein. The information on this website could be outdated, and we don’t promise to update it.

16 This website’s content is offered “as is,” devoid of any form of terms, conditions, or warranties. Thus, to the fullest extent allowed by law, we offer you this Website on the understanding that we disclaim all claims, guarantees, conditions, and other terms (including, without limitation, the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and the application of reasonable care and skill) that, absent these Conditions, may have applied to this Website.

17 To the extent allowed by law, we disclaim any and all liability that we might otherwise have toward you as a result of: 17.1 any inaccuracies, mistakes, or omissions on our website or in any material related to it, whether technical, factual, linguistic, or typographical;

17.2 the inaccessibility of our website, in whole or in part; or

17.3 any false statement regarding or connected to our website (except from a dishonest false statement made by us or on our behalf).

18 We (and, to be clear, any member of the Group) shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether or not such losses were known, foreseeable, or anticipated):

18.1 Data loss;

18.2 Loss of projected earnings or revenue;

18.3 Business loss;

18.4 Opportunity lost;

18.5 Reputational harm or a loss of goodwill;

18.6 losses that third parties have incurred; or

18.7 any extraordinary, exemplary, consequential, indirect, or other damages resulting from using this website, regardless of the kind of action.

19 You acknowledge that, in light of the nature of our Website, each of these limitations is acceptable.

20 Our liability for death or personal damage resulting from our carelessness shall not be limited or excluded by any of the aforementioned exclusions or limitations.

21 The aforementioned restrictions and limits do not apply to any statutory rights that cannot be waived.

22 The aforementioned exclusions and limits are each to be interpreted as independent, severable clauses within these terms and conditions.

G. External website links

23 This page contains links to other websites only for your convenience. Using these links will take you out of this website. We do not have any control over these third-party websites, their availability, or their content, and we have not examined all of them. As a result, we do not support them or offer any guarantees regarding them, the content available there, or the outcomes of utilizing them. You do so at your own risk if you choose to visit any of the external websites that are linked to this website.

H. Ownership of Intellectual Property

24 Trademarks, copyright, and design rights owned by us and/or third parties apply to names, pictures, and logos that identify the Group or third parties and their goods and services. Nothing in these conditions may be interpreted as granting any license or permission to use any trademark, patent, design right, or copyright owned by the Group or any other third party, whether expressly or indirectly through estoppels or other means.

I. Additions to the Online Resource

4 This website’s message board and comment sections are meant to be places where you may read and participate in a thoughtful, lively debate on any topic. We hope that this part will encourage frank and open debate of the issues and provide a platform for individuals with diverse viewpoints to voice their perspectives.

5 As long as you agree to these Conditions, you are free to post, publish, or contribute messages and other items (including any text, images, graphics, video, or audio) to our message boards, chat rooms, or other officially designated public areas within our website.

6 Everything you upload on this website is still protected by copyright. Upon submitting your work, you allow us the right to use, copy, adapt, modify, sublicense, transmit, distribute, publish, or display your work, in whole or in part, anywhere in the world, without restriction or royalty.

J. Guidelines for the Home

7 All contributions made on this website are governed by these terms:

7.1 Before any comments are posted on this website, our moderators will review them all. The only criteria our moderators will use to evaluate the comments are those specified in these Conditions. The remark will be removed and won’t show up if they feel it goes above the parameters specified here. We retain the right to remove a comment in its entirety if it contains offensive content. Our moderators’ judgment is final, and no discussion or correspondence will be allowed.

7.2 Comments left on this website will not be answered. Please fill out the “contact us” part of our website if you need a response.

7.3 Defamatory, libelous, racist, sexist, sectarianism, obscenity, threatening language, impersonation, and endorsing an organization that is prohibited are some of the criteria our moderators use to evaluate comments.

7.4 Please use your real name whenever you can in your remarks. Once more, this contributes to the thoughtful and fruitful discussion on the website. Should you prefer to use a pseudonym for any reason, we kindly request that you select a name that respects the previously mentioned boundaries and isn’t derogatory in any manner.

7.5 Please make sure that nothing inappropriate, illegal, or offensive is included in your comments. Comments that violate any laws, harass, defame, threaten, abuse, cause harm, are obscene, vulgar, sexually suggestive, racially insulting, or otherwise objectionable are not permitted. It is definitely forbidden to contribute content with the goal of committing or encouraging criminal activity.

7.6 Kindly refrain from using profanity in your remarks. Please make an effort to use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your comments. Our moderators are unable to edit your spelling due to the large volume of comments we get.

7.7 Kindly refrain from posting messages unrelated to the current topic of discussion. Although we are eager to promote debate and acknowledge that conversations may stray from their intended topic, extraneous remarks add nothing to the conversation.

7.8 Please refrain from repeatedly posting the same comment. It only needs to happen once. If you’re patient, your comment should appear within a fair amount of time as our moderators review it on a regular basis.

7.9 These terms and conditions could change at any time. It is your obligation to verify whether the Conditions have been amended and to abide by them. None of the Group’s members’ opinions are reflected in the comments area. We do not assume liability for any posts made on this website.

7.10 Users must not submit content—text, video, audio, or graphics—that they do not own the copyright to in order to avoid violating copyright laws. Your use of this website indicates that you understand and agree to the terms stated.

7.11 Anybody leaving a comment on the website will have their IP address automatically recorded by our web server. Any data acquired during that procedure will be kept private and shared only as mandated by law. Please see our privacy policy, which is available on this website, for more information.

K. Security

8 We encourage you not to submit any personal information on this website, including your home address, phone number, or email address, about yourself or anybody else.

L Contests

9 Our competition rules will apply if you participate in a contest through this website or another, whether it is run by us, one of our partners, or a sponsor. Our main competition rules are available for viewing on this website. Every competition will have additional regulations that are unique to it. These rules will be listed in a Competition Notice that will be posted on this website (or another location that will be announced) on or before the competition starts.

M. Automatic Suspension Right

10 If you violate any of these terms, we reserve the right to immediately suspend your access to our website and to remove any content that violates any of these terms, including any that we deem to be abusive, defamatory, or otherwise inappropriate.

11 Initially, we will notify you by email that your contribution has been rejected or altered if you do not follow these Conditions while posting to the message board or any other public section of this website. In addition, our communication will contain a warning that should you continue to violate these terms, your account may be subject to account-related action.

12 We will use the information we have on file about you to stop further violations of these terms if you send or post any offensive or inappropriate content anywhere on the website or engage in any other disruptive behavior that we consider to be serious. This includes telling outside parties like the police, your employer, or your school.

N. Liability

34 In the event that these terms are broken or our website is used in any way, you agree to hold us harmless and defend us against any claims, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses, including legal fees.

O. Ability to Sever

35 In the event that any of these terms or conditions are found to be unlawful, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the law, they will be severed and deleted to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which they are found to be such. The remaining terms and conditions, however, will survive, remain in full force and effect, and will continue to be binding and enforceable.

Cookie Policy and Privacy

To learn more about how we save and handle your personal data, go to  https://euronewsline.com/privacy-policy/


Q. Permit

37 Any download made in accordance with these conditions will be sold to you as a permanent, non-exclusive license to use the file on the device to which it is transferred and for no other reason. Any effort to share protected content will be flagged by automatic security systems, which may lead to the original user’s subscription being cancelled without any compensation. The usage of any user names or passwords is restricted to the individual using them, and they may not be shared with any other parties. Regarding any cases submitted, our decision is final. You can contact us by using the website’s “Contact Us” link with any questions you may have about the rights of use of any content.

R. Disclaimer

38 We disclaim all duty for anything that you may deem inappropriate and for any loss or damage that our service may cause to your device or devices. Your statutory rights as a consumer are unaffected by this.

S. Refund

39 Please use the website’s “Contact Us” page to get in touch with us if you have any issues downloading any content from the website. We disclaim all responsibility for issues arising from the use of third-party software or services, including but not restricted to download directories like iTunes and Worldpay payment software. Any reimbursement will be determined by us. If you cancel a membership before it ends, there won’t be any refunds. Please use the website’s “Contact Us” option to get in touch with us if you need a refund.

T. Right of copyright

Forty We provide copyright protection for all downloads, files, content, logos, and intellectual property. The content you have subscribed to can be copied from your computer to your MP3 player, but it is only meant for personal use. It is strictly forbidden to distribute, duplicate, transcribe, rebroadcast, resell, or perform to a third party without obtaining our express written consent.

U. Waiver

41 Neither our waiver of your breach of any of these conditions nor our failure to exercise or partial exercise of any remedy shall be construed as a waiver of our right to exercise that or any other remedy in part or in full at a later time.

V. Jurisdiction and Law

42 English law shall govern and be applied to the interpretation of these Conditions. The English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any issues arising from them.